About Us

We strive to simplify health, so we offer four cleanses which serve concentrated nutrition direct to your door with the minimum of fuss and the greatest of ease. We have a cleanse for you whether you are looking for general wellbeing, something to specifically aid weight-loss, a thorough detox or to help boost your immunity.

Fresh is best and we want you to receive the most nutritious juice possible; which means ORGANIC, COLD PRESSED, RAW, NO HPP, and all packaged in recycled glass bottles.


Our cleanses last for 5, 10 or 20 days. Each week-day morning you will receive 7 juices. Your initial juice to be taken first thing in the morning is Hot Shot, 150ml of lemon, cayenne pepper and agave to kick-start your metabolism for the day. The other 6 juices (500ml each) are to be taken throughout the day.

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