Raw Natural Fresh Nutritious


Splendid Spinach juice is part of our Weight Loss Cleanse. The cleanse helps boot your metabolism and focus your mind to support your journey to a healthy weight.

Splendid Spinach blends the sweetness of apple with the green super nutrition of kale, parsley and spinach to provide concentrated heart and blood boosting benefits.


Sweet, flavoursome and high in anti-oxidants and nutrients, apples are well-known for their health benefits. Their high levels of vitamin C help the body resist infection and free radicals from the body. Potassium helps control heart rate and blood pressure.

HIGH IN Vitamin C


The humble kale is one nutritious leafy vegetable. It’s low-fat, high in anti-oxidants, anti-bacterial and anti-viral. Amongst it’s other health benefits, it’s also beneficial in red blood cell formation and bone health.

HIGH IN Vitamin K / Vitamin C / Vitamin A / Manganese / Copper


Parsley is rich in anti-oxidants, vitamins, minerals, which helps control blood-cholesterol and can offer protection from free radicals and cancers. It also helps control heart rate and blood pressure by countering the effects of sodium.

HIGH IN Vitamin K / Vitamin C / Vitamin A / Folate / Iron


Another low calorie, highly nutritious vegetable, Spinach is essential in cholesterol controlling and weight reduction programs. It also beneficial in red blood cell production and maintaining healthy skin and eyesight.

HIGH IN Vitamin K / Vitamin A / Vitamin C / Folate / Manganese

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