Raw Natural Fresh Nutritious


Remembering Your OBC juice is part of our Weight Loss Cleanse. The cleanse helps boot your metabolism and focus your mind to support your journey to a healthy weight.

Orange, Beetroot and Carrot provide a sweet burst of vegetable goodness, which all contain high levels of anti-oxidants and immune boosting vitamins to help you look and feel in the the peak of health during the detox process.


Besides the high levels of Vitamin C which aid the immune system in keeping colds and flu at bay; Orange juice can help balance your blood pressure due to it’s high levels of Magnesium.

HIGH IN Vitamin C / Vitamin A / Magnesium / Potassium


Beetroot is wonderfully high in Folate, which is an essential vitamin for DNA synthesis within the cells. Also high in anti-oxidants, helping reduce the presence of free-radicals in the body.

HIGH IN Folates / Iron / Manganes


Studies have found that flavonoid compounds in carrots help protect from skin, lung and oral cavity cancers. They are also high in anti-oxidants, vitamins which help in maintaining good eye and reproductive (sperm production) health.

HIGH IN Vitamin A / Vitamin C / Vitamin K / Potassium

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