Raw Natural Fresh Nutritious


Get Fit juice is part of our Wellbeing Cleanse. Our gentle juicing package to help bring you back to balance.

The superfoods watermelon, coconut water, lemon and sea salt are blended in Get Fit to give you the ultimate in fresh-tasting and super-charged cleansing to your system!


Watermelon is a whopping 82% water and home to a storehouse of vitamins and minerals. They also contain high concentrations of lycopene, an antioxidant that can help reduce the risks of cancer and other diseases.

HIGH IN Vitamin A / Vitamin C / Vitamin B6 / Folic Acid


Coconut water is the most refreshing liquid and packed full of electrolytes, and minerals to keep the body hydrated. It can have a beneficial impact on the digestive tract and has been found to contain anti-aging and anti-carcinogenic properties.

HIGH IN Sodium / Magnesium / Potassium / Manganese / Vitamin C


Lemons are known to help eliminate toxins and remove harmful bacteria from our systems.

HIGH IN Vitamin C / Potassium / Folate


Sea salt contains trace minerals that your body needs in order to be healthy and has an alkalizing on the body helping to balance excess acid in the system. It can also benefit weight-loss, skin conditions, asthma, heart health and diabetes

HIGH IN Sodium

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